Amino acids for animal farming - the building blocks of life

Amino acids – the essence of a healthy, growth-sustaining diet – can help boost productivity in livestock farming ethically and sustainably.

Animal feed is one of the most important aspects of farming

Animal feed represents a high proportion of costs and is responsible for the highest proportion of greenhouse gas emissions at the farm gate. Balancing business needs with reducing emissions and maintaining a good standard of animal health and welfare is a daily challenge for farmers. Amino acids – the essence of a healthy, growth-sustaining diet – can help boost productivity ethically and sustainably.

Our team works closely with farmers and in our labs to find cost-effective, long-lasting solutions.

Knowledge, skills and experience to unlock the secret to optimized animal nutrition  

Animals need a balanced ratio of amino acids to maximize growth performance and nitrogen retention. All absorbed amino acids in excess compared to the first limiting amino acid are catabolized, increasing nitrogen excretion.

The concept takes lysine, which is almost exclusively utilized for body protein accretion, as a starting point. The amount of lysine required, adjusted to the genetic potential of different animals and production conditions, is used as a reference to define the need for other essential amino acids. This ideal ratio is the key to calculating the right amount of amino acids and reducing crude protein.

The result: optimized growth performance and maximized nitrogen utilization.

Take a look at our range of amino acids.

Amino acids or crude protein?

Crude protein is among the most costly components of livestock feed. Formulating diets to meet amino acid recommendations using high levels of intact protein sources has been proven inefficient. In addition to high costs, the disadvantages include metabolic stress placed on animals catabolizing and excreting excessive amino acids. Drawing on scientific findings and decades of hands-on experience, Evonik has established amino acid recommendations for different types of livestock.

The resulting reduction in crude protein requirements and targeted use of amino acids – the ideal protein concept – maximize growth performance and profitability, while lowering environmental impact.

Save money, boost animal health and cut down emissions with precise amino acid calculations.
Save money, boost animal health and cut down emissions with precise amino acid calculations.

What does this mean for animal farmers?

So now we’ve looked at the science behind animal nutrition, what does this mean for farmers?

We can’t change supply issues or bring the costs of raw materials down. But we can look at the ingredients that go into an animal’s feed and help farmers to increase efficiency by ensuring the animal gets only what it needs for better growth, digestion and productivity.

You get from us holistic approach and range of pioneering products as solutions to ease or even eradicate the complex problems faced by animal farming. This support helps the farmer to concentrate on building the business and making a profit, while the animals are getting the right nutrition to boost production without harm to themselves or the environment.

Our teams encourage more efficient farm management through the use of our products and services, which help to maximise the return on investment for the farmer.

Comparative life cycle assessment of amino acid use in broilers, layers and pigs​

Click here to see the certificate

Evonik is the only amino acid supplier that has used externally-certified lifecycle analysis to measure the positive environmental impact our solutions enable for farmers.

Our lifecycle analysis shows that Evonik’s low crude protein diets supplemented with a full range of amino acids significantly improve greenhouse gas emissions, land use impacts and eutrophication potential in broiler, layer and pig production. 


Contact us - we are looking forward to hearing from you!

Benefit from our scientific expertise in animal nutrition, animal health and animal farming to meet todays and tomorrow’s challenges and to support your business.

Dr. Dirk Hoehler is looking forward to discussing any topic related to functional feed additives with you. Simply give him a call, drop him a line or connect with him on LinkedIn.

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